Raise the standard!

Today I am calling for the raising up of the standard of prayer. We have lost some battles but we MUST WIN THIS WAR. Jesus Himself has been working for millennia in His position as Intercessor on behalf of His church. We as His disciples and little anointed ones (Christians) must follow His example and PRAY! We have been disillusioned, distracted and deceived in the area of prayer. Prayer IS our ULTIMATE STRATEGIC ADVANTAGE! Prayer WILL bring His government and His interference into our cities at a time we REALLY NEED IT!

Prayer is not just fundamental to Christianity it is the very DNA of who we are as individuals and collected in Christ. If you are feeling a stirring in your spirit man, pray out loud and say, “I break my agreement with the lie that prayer is boring, the lie that prayer is ineffective, and the lie that prayer is not my calling. In fact, prayer stirs inside of me an excitement for possibility. Prayer is effective because God. answers. prayer. Prayer is the natural expression of Christ living in me.  It is my inheritance as an ambassador on the earth.”

I once read a book that said, “Satan is much more serious about winning this war than we are…”  This is an unprecedented time, in which we surely need to raise the standard of prayer.  If not us then who?  If not now then when?  If God is for us who can be against us.

Holy Spirit is raising up prayer across the earth in many facets and forms, across all denominations. He is doing it!  How can you partner with His prayer movement?  One option of the many is to join your churches’ prayer meetings as the church of Christ in your city bands together as one, bringing constant prayer before the throne day and night.  An additional option is to look at your city’s schedule to see where the gaps lie and form a group that will commit to praying.  Christ will have the nations as His inheritance! Together in Christ we will raise this standard of prayer.